Adding a second light

With this shoot I wanted to work on building up lights and working towards moving beyond single light set-ups. 

I started the shoot with setting up a single light, setting exposure and roughly getting a nice lighting style. 

Here, in the middle image. I found the light was a little too high as the shadow from her nose was a little too long however April was moving around within the infinity cove so the light was going to change throughout each shot. The key thing was to keep the same distance from the light to ensure a consistent exposure throughout the shoot.


I then added a snoot behind April to separate her from the background and create a glow around her head. The snoot allows me to create a narrow beam of light that can illuminate smaller areas more accurately without spilling onto unwanted areas.

april with hairlight.png

Overall this was a quick shoot with not much variety due to time on the day. However, I was please in seeing how effective a hairlight can in seperating subject from their background though I wish I was more careful aiming the snoot as the light doesn't quite reach the crown of April's head .