Martin Schoeller is a New York based commercial photography know for his 'hyper-detailed' head shots of popular figures.
Schoeller's portraits have a very iconic look. The shallow depth-of-field, the expression, the composition, the catchlights all make for a unique and beautiful portrait.
The portraits looks deceptively simple. Juding from the catchlights, it appears to be 2 stripboxes, presumably at 45 degree angles lighting the subjects.
However there seemingly more scontrast than I would presume striplights would render.
There are highlights on the bridge of noses and cheekbones that may come from a beauty dish from high above that doesn't present a catch light.
I think what I like most about Schoeller's portrait is the simplicity. If it is a simple 2 light setup it's how Schoeller has uses the lights and his equipment.