Wedding - Ambient & Flash

Towards the evening, the sun had set it became more difficult to shoot without a flash. 
I opted to use a speedlite attached to camera which I ensured was always pointing at the ceiling. 

During the first dance, there was club style lighting which I always wanted to incorporate in the images. As the ceiling was really high and I knew the first dance was going to be a lively one I didn't want to have to be waiting for my speedlite to recycle. I set an ISO of 1250 and an aperture of f/2.8 in the hopes my flash could fire as quick as I needed it to. 

I metered for the ambient light and needed around 1/10th of a second which I stopped down to 1/20th as I didn't need the scene fully exposed. 


Limited in positioning due to the large crowd around the small dancefloor, I had to make do where I was and during the slow dancing parts I was able to light the bride and groom using the ceiling as a reflector while also allowing ambient light to expose on the sensor thanks to the slow shutter speed.

However, when the dance became more lively and I had to keep moving my camera quickly to track along with the bride and groom, severe motion blur occured. the shutter speed was so long than the ambient light was exposing the bride and groom also leaving ghostly light silhouettes behind.

As I was too busy shooting away, not wanting to miss a moment I didn't check the results til after the dance.

This meant a lot of the images turned out very poorly. 

I should have checked during the shoot, I may have missed a moment but I would have also had better images. 

I just simply need to increase my shutter speed enough where only the lights were exposing and not the bride and groom. 

In all I think this part of the wedding was very poor for me (thank god for second shooters) and that I could have done much much better if I simply slowed down.